Your Journey to Motherhood Starts Here
Begin your journey to single motherhood with confidence and support
Every journey begins with a step, and yours starts here. I’m Lydia, a single mommy by choice, here to guide you through this beautiful, challenging adventure. Like you, I was between a desire and a decision. Let's talk about making your dream of motherhood a reality in your own unique way.
Four years ago, I decided to walk away from everything, start fresh, and build a life on my terms.
Deciding to become a single mother by choice is a big, bold move. It was a move I knew I wanted to make, and when it was time, I realized this was still a taboo topic: Becoming a single mother by your choice. Right then, I realized there was a community of women who desired to create a life they loved on their terms but were unsure where to begin. So, I put together something special: support sessions and resources for your journey! That is where my Single Mommies By Choice platform was birthed.

Let’s Figure This Out Together
Get a 75-minute session with me to discuss your unique path and tackle any questions, concerns, or challenges you face, from choosing a donor and money worries to emotional ups and downs and financial implications on your SMBC journey. As a CPA and fellow single mommy, I’m here to provide you with friendly guidance and support.

Creating a Life You'll Love On Your Terms
Our Part of The Internet
I would love to connect with you and your journey beyond our calls. This is our little part of the internet where we share life updates and day-to-day tools, celebrate wins and challenges, and have a good time with a community of families building life on their terms.